I recently watched Ariel Bisset’s video called 7 books I want to read that nobody cares about. And I thought it was so cool! I feel like the majority of people in the book community are only interested in Young Adult book, preferably new releases. Yet lately, I have been feeling more and more drawn towards other genres and I feel like I can’t really talk about them because nobody would be interested. So that is why I am sharing them in this post! So you just know which post to skip if you’re not at all interested ?
All of the books I am going to mention in this post are non-fiction. Because I have just been really into that genre lately. And most of them are based around technology, because I have just been really into that lately. Also, all these have looong subtitles that were great to have to type out. Enjoy.
1. The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution by Walter Isaacson
The first book on my list is The Innovators by Walter Isaacson. I have recently read Steve Jobs by the same author and thoroughly enjoyed his writing style, and since this is also based around technology, I was intrigued. Where Steve Jobs was a book about one man who greatly influences the digital revolution, this is a book that tells the story of this entire movement. Going back all the way to the 1800s to discuss the very beginning of the revolution that shaped our current society. And taking you on an adventure through technology up until the world wide web.
I have only read the first couple of pages but I am VERY excited to explore it further!
2. Outwitting The Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success by Napoleon Hill
This is a self-help book I picked up on a whim. I was in the bookshop and the front cover pulled me in. It said ’Never Before Published! Hidden since 1983… Revealed now for the Modern Reader’ now if that doesn’t spark your interest, I don’t know what will. The back of the book claims that reading it will help you overcome fear, procrastination (lord knows I need help with that…), anger, and jealousy. Not sure how much faith I have in that actually working, but I am willing to give it a read and see what happens.
3. Elon Musk: How The Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla is Shaping Our Future by Ashlee Vance
Now, this is kind of cheating cause I have actually already read this book before. I didn’t even read it that long ago (I’m pretty sure it was September) but I am already dying to re-read it! It doesn’t help that I listened to it on audiobook before, I remember things better when I physically read them. So I bought a copy and have already marked some quotes in the first couple of pages! Hope I will also understand more of the technical terms this second time around…
4. The Emperor’s New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics by Roger Penrose
Now, this book is cool! I picked it up for €2 (!!) at a secondhand shop a while back and it has been lying on my shelf ever since. It’s just so intimidating… I won the Science Book Prize in 1990 and when I’ve flipped through it, I saw a LOT of mathematical diagrams. I AM SHIT AT MATHS! But I really want to give it a shot either way. If I never read it and try to understand, I will never learn.
5. Banksy: The Man Behind the Wall by Will Ellsworth-Jones
Last one. A little lighter that the others. Last year I went to an exhibition of Banksy’s art (Banksy is a famous yet unknown dtreetartist, in case you weren’t aware. No one knows who he is) with a couple of friends and it was so cool! A couple of months later I found this book and had to pick it up. As much as I like his art, I have to admit that I don’t know a lot about Banksy so I’m hoping this book will help haha.
As you have reached the end of this blogpost, I take it that you did sort of care about the books I want to read. So, thank you. I hop I didn’t bore you to death.
Do any of these books sound interesting to you? What book do you want to read that you think nobody cares about?
Lots of Love,
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