Summer has started! Even though I am definitely an autumnal person, summer also has its benefits for me. The lack of school, schedules, and responsibilities definitely give me a much-needed mental cleanse. The only problem is that with this absence of schedules there is a big chance I will spend the next 6 weeks doing absolutely nothing… Which brings me to the topic I want to talk about today.
the summer bucket list
This year I decided I needed to set some goals for myself to complete this summer in order to get the most of my precious weeks of freedom before school starts back up. I wrote down a combination of big goals and tiny, easy-to-accomplish ones. This way it is easy to pick something off the list on a day where I feel unproductive, without having to organize something huge.
If you want to make your own it might be a good idea to put some already-planned trips on there. I did the same thing (see all the cities on my list) and that way I could build my smaller goals around them. I would also recommend adding some pictures to visualize the aesthetic you want to channel this season. It will get you into a summery mood every time you look at your bucket list, which is exactly what you want!
fun ideas
If you’re not sure what to put on your own bucket list, here are a couple suggestions!
- Organise a high tea with friends
- Try a flavour of ice cream you’ve never had before
- Read in the park
- Go sketch people at a café
- Visit a city in your own country that you’ve never been to before
- Finish that book you’ve been reading for the longest time
- Pamper yourself
- Go swimming
- Deep cleanse your room
- Have a photo shoot with friends
- Learn a new skill
- Make a summer moodboard
I hope you enjoyed this post and that it inspired you to make your own bucket list! If you end up making one please share it with me on social media cause I would LOVE to see what you guys create.