Hey guys. We’re back! Our most recent post went up at the end of May so you could say it has been a while. I would like to explain why we have been so absent. Doreth has been finishing up her first year of Journalism at uni and it has been hectic. I had a huge school project to finish up and after that we were both busy searching for an internship starting in September (let’s hope we’ll be able to keep up a regular schedule when that starts). Neither of us have had a lot of time to read but now that Summer is here I’ve been on a roll! I figured I would do some mini-reviews for the books I’ve read this past week and a half. Also you might have noticed that our blog is looking a little different. That’s because I got a bit fed up with our old design and thought it needed a change, I’m not yet completely content with the way it looks at the moment so there are still a couple changes to come but overall I’m quite happy with the layout as it is right now. Let us know what you think of the new design! Now without further ado (or further rambling if you will) ket’s get on with the reviews!