It’s that time of year again! The Reading Rush is a readathon happening from July 20 – July 26 and it’s the perfect excuse to do nothing else but read for a full week. The last time I participated in this readathon it was still called the booktube-a-thon, yes I’m old. And lately I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump with everything that’s going on in the world right now… So I’m hoping this week of reading will get me back into the swing of things.
7 Days ’till Christmas: 20 random questions with Lotte
A couple of days ago, Doreth answered 20 random questions. If you haven’t read that post yet, click here. And now it is my turn! So if you ever wanted to know about my favourite lipbalm for cold days, or the books I am dying to read, then do read on.
8 Days ’till Christmas: Lotte’s Christmas Playlist
11 Days ’till Christmas: 5 Books I Want to Read That Nobody Cares About
I recently watched Ariel Bisset’s video called 7 books I want to read that nobody cares about. And I thought it was so cool! I feel like the majority of people in the book community are only interested in Young Adult book, preferably new releases. Yet lately, I have been feeling more and more drawn towards other genres and I feel like I can’t really talk about them because nobody would be interested. So that is why I am sharing them in this post! So you just know which post to skip if you’re not at all interested ?
#Preptober: Prepare Yourself for the NaNoWriMo Challenge!
Hey guys!
That time of year has rolled around once again, it is time to prepare to write a novel in 30 days! With NaNoWriMo just around the corner (if you don’t know what NaNoWriMo is, I explained it in last years post which you can check out here) which means it’s time to flesh out characters, start building a world and get stocked up on as much caffeine as possible. If you read last years post, you will know that both Doreth and I attempted to complete the challenge of writing a full-length novel in the month of November. Quick update: we both failed miserably. Just like the year before that. This year I am on my own, Doreth is very busy with her new study so I will have to make do without my usual writing buddy. The question is: how on earth am I going to manage to actually stick to my goal and complete the 50,000 words? Last years post was about how to prepare your novel, this years post might be even more important than that one. How to prepare yourself for the task ahead. Now I would recommend you take my advice with a grain of salt (maybe even an entire salt-shaker…) because I obviously have no idea what I’m doing. However if I actually achieve my goal this year, it might be a worthwhile technique. Only time will tell.
Lotte’s Booktube-a-Thon Wrap Up!
As many of you will probably know, the Booktube-a-Thon ended a couple of days ago. This year I participated for the first time and I actually didn’t do as bad as I was expecting to. Keep reading to find out what I read last week!