I recently watched Ariel Bisset’s video called 7 books I want to read that nobody cares about. And I thought it was so cool! I feel like the majority of people in the book community are only interested in Young Adult book, preferably new releases. Yet lately, I have been feeling more and more drawn towards other genres and I feel like I can’t really talk about them because nobody would be interested. So that is why I am sharing them in this post! So you just know which post to skip if you’re not at all interested ?
Lotte’s Winter TBR
December is upon us and the Christmas vibes are real. And when I think Christmas, I think Winter. Therefore I am going to share with you, the top 5 books I want to read this winter. Now, first I would like to give a quick disclaimer. Due to the fact that I have put myself on a book buying ban, I will only mention books that are already on my shelf. Now let’s get into the books!