First of all, Happy New Year! Second of all, welcome. Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I’m excited to have you here, please make yourself at home. If you got here through one of my social media platforms, you might already know who I am. But in case you don’t: Hi. I am Lotte, a 21-year-old girl who’s still trying to figure out how life works. I love reading (I write book reviews for dorkyanddutch), writing (failed nanowrimo 2 years in a row) and design (I study web design).
Now that we all know each other (please introduce yourself in the comments so I don’t look like an idiot ?), let me tell you a story of how this blog came to be and why I decided to start it now.
2016, the Great Depression
To explain my story I want to take you back to the beginning of 2016. I was in my freshmen year of college / university (whatever you wanna call it). I was visiting my friend Doreth on her year abroad in London on New Year’s Eve and at the stroke of midnight… I was sitting on her couch trying to keep myself together and not bawl my eyes out. All of this being the result of a spell of panic attacks. 2016 went downhill from there (yes, from the freaking second it started) my anxiety shot through the roof, depression returned from the depths of hell. Therapists didn’t help much. And by far the worst thing about it was the fact that I had nothing, NOTHING to be sad about. I had (and still have) supportive family and friends. School was fine. Everything was fine… Except for me.
2017, Recovery Mode
Fade into New Year’s Eve 2016, strike of midnight. I am sat on my couch at home. Watching the countdown on tv and I telling myself that 2017 will be better. Over the course of 2016 I had already been working hard on me and getting myself together, but this year I wouldn’t be just ‘fine’. I would be happy. I would work even harder this year and come closer to who I want to be. Which is exactly what I did. I got myself together (as best as I could) and this year was definitely a step up from it’s predecessor.
2018, The Big Bang
Fast forward to now. New Year’s Eve 2017. It’s about to strike midnight and I am in a good place. I still deal with the occasional bad spells, but overall I know how to handle them and deal with them in order to come out on top. For the past few months, I have been craving a new creative outlet. And since I have already dabbled in the blogging world, I know how great it can be to just write down your thoughts and put them out there. So the year of 2018 will be my year. I am bad at keeping on track with things, but I am determined to make a success out of this blog (hope I didn’t just jinx it) and I will make sure to post consistently on here.
I am to going to lie, as well as being beyond excited I am also shitting my pants a little at the thought of starting this blog. The main reason being that I’ve only ever blogged about books. Books are something safe for me and I feel very comfortable giving my opinion on them. But that isn’t what this blog is about. Sure there will be the occasional book post but it’s not the main focus of this blog and it feels a bit weird to start writing about something else… So please bear with me as I try to figure out my style of writing and the things that I actually love to write about. It’s gonna be a very personal journey for me and I would love for you to be a part of it.
Lots of Love,