For the last couple of months, I have been a part of a super cool team of YA readers all surrounding this novel. So now, I am lucky enough to participate in this blog tour. At the end of this review, you can read more about this blog tour and where you can find information about the competition surrounding the release of this book.
The Path Keeper is a tale about love and fate and how those two intertwine. It tells the story of Ella who lives in London but misses her old life in Spain before her mother married her new husband. But then she meets the dark and mysterious Zac who she feels an odd connection with.
This book kind of took me back in time, it has been a while since I’ve read a YA (although I could argue that this book could be considered New Adult rather than Young Adult but I feel like those lines are often a bit blurry) urban fantasy novel. It reminded me a bit of when I read Twilight the first time around. The writing style is the same sort of intoxicating.
I very much enjoyed Ella’s Spanish roots, regardless of the fact that I didn’t understand most of what she said in Spanish haha. Since the author herself has Spanish roots, I liked how she incorporated that aspect of herself into the character of Ella. It felt very authentic.
I do also have to admit that I have a bit of a soft spot when it comes to mysterious book boys so that was a win in this book.
There were however some aspects that I didn’t completely love. At times I felt like the dialogue could have been more realistic, this is something that I am used to seeing in Young Adult novels though. Sometimes I just find it hard to believe that teenagers actually speak the way they do in novels, I know I didn’t back in the day 😉
Every blog tour in the blog has a letter. Collect them all to spell out the answer to this competition question: What does Zac get in the sequel SON OF SECRETS that’s very out of character? Prize info and entry details will be posted in The Glass House Glass magazine on release day 28 May 2019. Check out today’s letter and competition graphic below.

The letter I can give you today is:

Good luck to everyone following along with this blog tour and is trying to solve the question. Make sure to check out all the other lovely people talking about The Path Keeper this month.